
New Year resolutions: Get into shape in 2021

Monday 4 January, 2021

In this article Ellie Newman considers why getting into shape and exercising could be a good New Year’s Resolution for 2021.

With the New Year now upon us we should have all set our New Year resolutions, those new goals and targets for 2021. 

Exercise your way to better physical and mental health

One of the New Year’s resolutions that I hear many people discuss including myself is getting into better shape and exercising regularly. This was one of my goals in 2020 and it’s safe to say I am now in a better routine of regular exercise and I am slowly progressing to where I want to be. 

Taking more exercise could reduce your protection insurance costs

I know 2020 was a tough year for most of us, especially in terms of our mental mind-set. Last year you may remember me rounding off the year talking about exercise, mental health and protection as I know how important this is and how easy it is to lose track of taking care of yourself. For more information read – How to lower the cost of your protection insurance. Remember you are the most important thing and learn to take care of yourself. 

Get into shape in 2021

I wanted to remind anyone who is looking to get into shape that I have partnered with UK Fitclub as they helped me during the pandemic to help keep in shape and keep mentally sane. So, if this is something that could be of interest please feel free to message the owner of ukfitclub Manoj Taylor at or visit his website to find out more and mention Thomas Oliver for an exclusive personalised service. Also, for those of you that think personal training is expensive you can get access to his exclusive live and on demand classes which include Yoga and Pilates for £14.99 p/m per household!

Keeping healthy and exercising could keep your insurance costs low

Now the above will not only help you with your personal aims and objectives but can also have a great impact on your monetary goals. Remember all protection policies use BMI as one of their calculations towards their policy premium so maintaining a good shape can help keep your insurance costs low. Not only this but one of our providers goes the extra mile and actually rewards you for keeping healthy and exercising by giving you a discount and cashback every year as you build up points throughout the year on your policy. Although this policy is not for everyone it is getting more recognition and becoming more popular in the marketplace and I wouldn’t be surprised to see more lenders adopt this approach and reward you for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

Ellie Newman, Insurance Broker in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire said:

‘Overall, I wanted to remind people to put themselves first next year and learn from the lessons of 2020. Exercising is a great way to help stimulate your mind and get away from the daily pressures of life. Not only does it have personal benefits but can also have monetary benefits and it also means you don’t feel bad when you have that big slice of chocolate cake! If you are worried about your current protection cover or want to find out more about mortgage protection cover, please contact the Thomas Oliver mortgage broking team on 01707 872000. At Thomas Oliver our mortgage brokers take it one step further and care about you not just your wealth!’

In Summary...

When you decide on your personal goals and objectives for 2021 consider making exercising one of your New Year’s Resolutions. It will improve your physical and mental health and remember some protection policies even reward you by giving you a discount on your premiums.

Your property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. 

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