
Thomas Oliver Charity Update

Friday 26 May, 2023

Now that we are halfway through 2023, we have maintained our commitment to helping local charities provide their incredible and much-needed work. Our team of dedicated mortgage advisers and financial advisers regularly help to raise funds for a range of local good causes.

We started our charitable work back in 2017 and are delighted to have kept up our support. If you would like to stay up-to-date with the total donations we have raised, you can follow our progress on our Charitable Giving page.

Thomas Oliver's Charitable Donations

We are both proud and thrilled to say that the total amount we have raised for the Hertfordshire Community Foundation has now reached an amazing £20,280! We would like to take this opportunity to really thank our team for helping to reach this incredible amount.

The Hertfordshire Community Foundation

The Hertfordshire Community Foundation (HCF) is a local independent charity whose focus is to encourage compassion and generosity within the community. HCF's work uses kind donations to help provide the funds and support for small charities, voluntary groups, and individuals across Hertfordshire.

Debbie Bell, Financial Services Director in Cheshunt said:

“Our ongoing support for HCF is really important to us both as a company and also personally. We are able to see that HCF deliver their important work throughout Hertfordshire's communities. The team here at Thomas Oliver take a great deal of pride knowing that the funds we have raised will go to supporting people who really need it. We understand that many of the smaller local charities would not have otherwise been able to deliver their much-needed good work. We are looking forward to continuing our support for The Hertfordshire Community Foundation for the remainder of 2023.”

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